Celery 1.0.6 (stable) documentation

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HTTP Callback Tasks (Webhooks)

Executing tasks on a web server

If you need to call into another language, framework or similar, you can do so by using HTTP callback tasks.

The HTTP callback tasks use GET/POST arguments and a simple JSON response to return results. The scheme to call a task is:

GET http://example.com/mytask/?arg1=a&arg2=b&arg3=c

or using POST:

POST http://example.com/mytask

Note: POST data has to be form encoded. Whether to use GET or POST is up to you and your requirements.

The web page should then return a response in the following format if the execution was successful:

{"status": "success", "retval": ....}

or if there was an error:

{"status": "failure": "reason": "Invalid moon alignment."}

With this information you could define a simple task in Django:

from django.http import HttpResponse
from anyjson import serialize

def multiply(request):
    x = int(request.GET["x"])
    y = int(request.GET["y"])
    result = x * y
    response = {"status": "success", "retval": result}
    return HttpResponse(serialize(response), mimetype="application/json")

or in Ruby on Rails:

def multiply
    @x = params[:x].to_i
    @y = params[:y].to_i

    @status = {:status => "success", :retval => @x * @y}

    render :json => @status

You can easily port this scheme to any language/framework; new examples and libraries are very welcome.

To execute the task you use the URL class:

>>> from celery.task.http import URL
>>> res = URL("http://example.com/multiply").get_async(x=10, y=10)

URL is a shortcut to the HttpDispatchTask. You can subclass this to extend the functionality.

>>> from celery.task.http import HttpDispatchTask
>>> res = HttpDispatchTask.delay(url="http://example.com/multiply", method="GET", x=10, y=10)
>>> res.get()

The output of celeryd (or the logfile if you’ve enabled it) should show the task being processed:

[INFO/MainProcess] Task celery.task.http.HttpDispatchTask
        [f2cc8efc-2a14-40cd-85ad-f1c77c94beeb] processed: 100

Since applying tasks can be done via HTTP using the celery.views.apply view, executing tasks from other languages is easy. For an example service exposing tasks via HTTP you should have a look at examples/celery_http_gateway.