This document describes the current stable version of Celery (3.1). For development docs, go here.

Source code for celery.utils.serialization

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Utilities for safely pickling exceptions.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from inspect import getmro
from itertools import takewhile

    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle  # noqa

from .encoding import safe_repr

__all__ = ['UnpickleableExceptionWrapper', 'subclass_exception',
           'find_pickleable_exception', 'create_exception_cls',
           'get_pickleable_exception', 'get_pickleable_etype',

#: List of base classes we probably don't want to reduce to.
    unwanted_base_classes = (StandardError, Exception, BaseException, object)
except NameError:  # pragma: no cover
    unwanted_base_classes = (Exception, BaseException, object)  # py3k

[docs]def subclass_exception(name, parent, module): # noqa return type(name, (parent, ), {'__module__': module})
[docs]def find_pickleable_exception(exc, loads=pickle.loads, dumps=pickle.dumps): """With an exception instance, iterate over its super classes (by mro) and find the first super exception that is pickleable. It does not go below :exc:`Exception` (i.e. it skips :exc:`Exception`, :class:`BaseException` and :class:`object`). If that happens you should use :exc:`UnpickleableException` instead. :param exc: An exception instance. Will return the nearest pickleable parent exception class (except :exc:`Exception` and parents), or if the exception is pickleable it will return :const:`None`. :rtype :exc:`Exception`: """ exc_args = getattr(exc, 'args', []) for supercls in itermro(exc.__class__, unwanted_base_classes): try: superexc = supercls(*exc_args) loads(dumps(superexc)) except: pass else: return superexc
find_nearest_pickleable_exception = find_pickleable_exception # XXX compat def itermro(cls, stop): return takewhile(lambda sup: sup not in stop, getmro(cls))
[docs]def create_exception_cls(name, module, parent=None): """Dynamically create an exception class.""" if not parent: parent = Exception return subclass_exception(name, parent, module)
[docs]class UnpickleableExceptionWrapper(Exception): """Wraps unpickleable exceptions. :param exc_module: see :attr:`exc_module`. :param exc_cls_name: see :attr:`exc_cls_name`. :param exc_args: see :attr:`exc_args` **Example** .. code-block:: python >>> def pickle_it(raising_function): ... try: ... raising_function() ... except Exception as e: ... exc = UnpickleableExceptionWrapper( ... e.__class__.__module__, ... e.__class__.__name__, ... e.args, ... ) ... pickle.dumps(exc) # Works fine. """ #: The module of the original exception. exc_module = None #: The name of the original exception class. exc_cls_name = None #: The arguments for the original exception. exc_args = None def __init__(self, exc_module, exc_cls_name, exc_args, text=None): safe_exc_args = [] for arg in exc_args: try: pickle.dumps(arg) safe_exc_args.append(arg) except Exception: safe_exc_args.append(safe_repr(arg)) self.exc_module = exc_module self.exc_cls_name = exc_cls_name self.exc_args = safe_exc_args self.text = text Exception.__init__(self, exc_module, exc_cls_name, safe_exc_args, text)
[docs] def restore(self): return create_exception_cls(self.exc_cls_name, self.exc_module)(*self.exc_args)
def __str__(self): return self.text @classmethod
[docs] def from_exception(cls, exc): return cls(exc.__class__.__module__, exc.__class__.__name__, getattr(exc, 'args', []), safe_repr(exc))
[docs]def get_pickleable_exception(exc): """Make sure exception is pickleable.""" try: pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(exc)) except Exception: pass else: return exc nearest = find_pickleable_exception(exc) if nearest: return nearest return UnpickleableExceptionWrapper.from_exception(exc)
[docs]def get_pickleable_etype(cls, loads=pickle.loads, dumps=pickle.dumps): try: loads(dumps(cls)) except: return Exception else: return cls
[docs]def get_pickled_exception(exc): """Get original exception from exception pickled using :meth:`get_pickleable_exception`.""" if isinstance(exc, UnpickleableExceptionWrapper): return exc.restore() return exc