This document describes the current stable version of Celery (3.1). For development docs, go here.

Source code for celery.utils.text

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Text formatting utilities

from __future__ import absolute_import

from textwrap import fill

from pprint import pformat

__all__ = ['dedent_initial', 'dedent', 'fill_paragraphs', 'join',
           'ensure_2lines', 'abbr', 'abbrtask', 'indent', 'truncate',
           'pluralize', 'pretty']

[docs]def dedent_initial(s, n=4): return s[n:] if s[:n] == ' ' * n else s
[docs]def dedent(s, n=4, sep='\n'): return sep.join(dedent_initial(l) for l in s.splitlines())
[docs]def fill_paragraphs(s, width, sep='\n'): return sep.join(fill(p, width) for p in s.split(sep))
[docs]def join(l, sep='\n'): return sep.join(v for v in l if v)
[docs]def ensure_2lines(s, sep='\n'): if len(s.splitlines()) <= 2: return s + sep return s
[docs]def abbr(S, max, ellipsis='...'): if S is None: return '???' if len(S) > max: return ellipsis and (S[:max - len(ellipsis)] + ellipsis) or S[:max] return S
[docs]def abbrtask(S, max): if S is None: return '???' if len(S) > max: module, _, cls = S.rpartition('.') module = abbr(module, max - len(cls) - 3, False) return module + '[.]' + cls return S
[docs]def indent(t, indent=0, sep='\n'): """Indent text.""" return sep.join(' ' * indent + p for p in t.split(sep))
[docs]def truncate(text, maxlen=128, suffix='...'): """Truncates text to a maximum number of characters.""" if len(text) >= maxlen: return text[:maxlen].rsplit(' ', 1)[0] + suffix return text
[docs]def pluralize(n, text, suffix='s'): if n > 1: return text + suffix return text
[docs]def pretty(value, width=80, nl_width=80, sep='\n', **kw): if isinstance(value, dict): return '{{{0} {1}'.format(sep, pformat(value, 4, nl_width)[1:]) elif isinstance(value, tuple): return '{0}{1}{2}'.format( sep, ' ' * 4, pformat(value, width=nl_width, **kw), ) else: return pformat(value, width=width, **kw)