This document describes the current stable version of Celery (5.5). For development docs, go here.
Source code for celery.contrib.sphinx
"""Sphinx documentation plugin used to document tasks.
The Celery extension for Sphinx requires Sphinx 2.0 or later.
Add the extension to your :file:`docs/` configuration module:
.. code-block:: python
extensions = (...,
If you'd like to change the prefix for tasks in reference documentation
then you can change the ``celery_task_prefix`` configuration value:
.. code-block:: python
celery_task_prefix = '(task)' # < default
With the extension installed `autodoc` will automatically find
task decorated objects (e.g. when using the automodule directive)
and generate the correct (as well as add a ``(task)`` prefix),
and you can also refer to the tasks using `:task:proj.tasks.add`
Use ``.. autotask::`` to alternatively manually document a task.
from inspect import signature
from docutils import nodes
from import PyFunction
from sphinx.ext.autodoc import FunctionDocumenter
from import BaseTask
class TaskDocumenter(FunctionDocumenter):
"""Document task definitions."""
objtype = 'task'
member_order = 11
def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
return isinstance(member, BaseTask) and getattr(member, '__wrapped__')
def format_args(self):
wrapped = getattr(self.object, '__wrapped__', None)
if wrapped is not None:
sig = signature(wrapped)
if "self" in sig.parameters or "cls" in sig.parameters:
sig = sig.replace(parameters=list(sig.parameters.values())[1:])
return str(sig)
return ''
def check_module(self):
# Normally checks if *self.object* is really defined in the module
# given by *self.modname*. But since functions decorated with the @task
# decorator are instances living in the celery.local, we have to check
# the wrapped function instead.
wrapped = getattr(self.object, '__wrapped__', None)
if wrapped and getattr(wrapped, '__module__') == self.modname:
return True
return super().check_module()
def autodoc_skip_member_handler(app, what, name, obj, skip, options):
"""Handler for autodoc-skip-member event."""
# Celery tasks created with the @task decorator have the property
# that *obj.__doc__* and *obj.__class__.__doc__* are equal, which
# trips up the logic in sphinx.ext.autodoc that is supposed to
# suppress repetition of class documentation in an instance of the
# class. This overrides that behavior.
if isinstance(obj, BaseTask) and getattr(obj, '__wrapped__'):
if skip:
return False
return None
def setup(app):
"""Setup Sphinx extension."""
app.add_directive_to_domain('py', 'task', TaskDirective)
app.add_config_value('celery_task_prefix', '(task)', True)
app.connect('autodoc-skip-member', autodoc_skip_member_handler)
return {
'parallel_read_safe': True