This document describes the current stable version of Celery (4.1). For development docs, go here.

Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Message Signing Serializer."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
from kombu.serialization import (
    registry, disable_insecure_serializers as _disable_insecure_serializers,
from celery.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from .serialization import register_auth

You need to install the pyOpenSSL library to use the auth serializer.
Please install by:

    $ pip install pyOpenSSL

Sorry, but you have to configure the
    * security_key
    * security_certificate, and the
    * security_cert_storE
configuration settings to use the auth serializer.

Please see the configuration reference for more information.

__all__ = ['setup_security']

[docs]def setup_security(allowed_serializers=None, key=None, cert=None, store=None, digest='sha1', serializer='json', app=None): """See :meth:`@Celery.setup_security`.""" if app is None: from celery import current_app app = current_app._get_current_object() _disable_insecure_serializers(allowed_serializers) conf = app.conf if conf.task_serializer != 'auth': return try: from OpenSSL import crypto # noqa except ImportError: raise ImproperlyConfigured(SSL_NOT_INSTALLED) key = key or conf.security_key cert = cert or conf.security_certificate store = store or conf.security_cert_store if not (key and cert and store): raise ImproperlyConfigured(SETTING_MISSING) with open(key) as kf: with open(cert) as cf: register_auth(,, store, digest, serializer) registry._set_default_serializer('auth')
def disable_untrusted_serializers(whitelist=None): _disable_insecure_serializers(allowed=whitelist)