This document describes the current stable version of Celery (5.2). For development docs, go here.

Source code for celery.utils.text

"""Text formatting utilities."""
import io
import re
from import Callable
from functools import partial
from pprint import pformat
from textwrap import fill
from typing import Any, List, Mapping, Pattern

__all__ = (
    'abbr', 'abbrtask', 'dedent', 'dedent_initial',
    'ensure_newlines', 'ensure_sep',
    'fill_paragraphs', 'indent', 'join',
    'pluralize', 'pretty', 'str_to_list', 'simple_format', 'truncate',

Unknown format %{0} in string {1!r}.
Possible causes: Did you forget to escape the expand sign (use '%%{0!r}'),
or did you escape and the value was expanded twice? (%%N -> %N -> %hostname)?

RE_FORMAT = re.compile(r'%(\w)')

[docs]def str_to_list(s): # type: (str) -> List[str] """Convert string to list.""" if isinstance(s, str): return s.split(',') return s
[docs]def dedent_initial(s, n=4): # type: (str, int) -> str """Remove indentation from first line of text.""" return s[n:] if s[:n] == ' ' * n else s
[docs]def dedent(s, n=4, sep='\n'): # type: (str, int, str) -> str """Remove indentation.""" return sep.join(dedent_initial(l) for l in s.splitlines())
[docs]def fill_paragraphs(s, width, sep='\n'): # type: (str, int, str) -> str """Fill paragraphs with newlines (or custom separator).""" return sep.join(fill(p, width) for p in s.split(sep))
[docs]def join(l, sep='\n'): # type: (str, str) -> str """Concatenate list of strings.""" return sep.join(v for v in l if v)
[docs]def ensure_sep(sep, s, n=2): # type: (str, str, int) -> str """Ensure text s ends in separator sep'.""" return s + sep * (n - s.count(sep))
ensure_newlines = partial(ensure_sep, '\n')
[docs]def abbr(S, max, ellipsis='...'): # type: (str, int, str) -> str """Abbreviate word.""" if S is None: return '???' if len(S) > max: return ellipsis and (S[:max - len(ellipsis)] + ellipsis) or S[:max] return S
[docs]def abbrtask(S, max): # type: (str, int) -> str """Abbreviate task name.""" if S is None: return '???' if len(S) > max: module, _, cls = S.rpartition('.') module = abbr(module, max - len(cls) - 3, False) return module + '[.]' + cls return S
[docs]def indent(t, indent=0, sep='\n'): # type: (str, int, str) -> str """Indent text.""" return sep.join(' ' * indent + p for p in t.split(sep))
[docs]def truncate(s, maxlen=128, suffix='...'): # type: (str, int, str) -> str """Truncate text to a maximum number of characters.""" if maxlen and len(s) >= maxlen: return s[:maxlen].rsplit(' ', 1)[0] + suffix return s
[docs]def pluralize(n, text, suffix='s'): # type: (int, str, str) -> str """Pluralize term when n is greater than one.""" if n != 1: return text + suffix return text
[docs]def pretty(value, width=80, nl_width=80, sep='\n', **kw): # type: (str, int, int, str, **Any) -> str """Format value for printing to console.""" if isinstance(value, dict): return f'{{{sep} {pformat(value, 4, nl_width)[1:]}' elif isinstance(value, tuple): return '{}{}{}'.format( sep, ' ' * 4, pformat(value, width=nl_width, **kw), ) else: return pformat(value, width=width, **kw)
def match_case(s, other): # type: (str, str) -> str return s.upper() if other.isupper() else s.lower()
[docs]def simple_format(s, keys, pattern=RE_FORMAT, expand=r'\1'): # type: (str, Mapping[str, str], Pattern, str) -> str """Format string, expanding abbreviations in keys'.""" if s: keys.setdefault('%', '%') def resolve(match): key = match.expand(expand) try: resolver = keys[key] except KeyError: raise ValueError(UNKNOWN_SIMPLE_FORMAT_KEY.format(key, s)) if isinstance(resolver, Callable): return resolver() return resolver return pattern.sub(resolve, s) return s
def remove_repeating_from_task(task_name, s): # type: (str, str) -> str """Given task name, remove repeating module names. Example: >>> remove_repeating_from_task( ... 'tasks.add', ... 'tasks.add(2, 2), tasks.mul(3), tasks.div(4)') 'tasks.add(2, 2), mul(3), div(4)' """ # This is used by e.g. repr(chain), to remove repeating module names. # - extract the module part of the task name module = str(task_name).rpartition('.')[0] + '.' return remove_repeating(module, s) def remove_repeating(substr, s): # type: (str, str) -> str """Remove repeating module names from string. Arguments: task_name (str): Task name (full path including module), to use as the basis for removing module names. s (str): The string we want to work on. Example: >>> _shorten_names( ... 'x.tasks.add', ... 'x.tasks.add(2, 2) | x.tasks.add(4) | x.tasks.mul(8)', ... ) 'x.tasks.add(2, 2) | add(4) | mul(8)' """ # find the first occurrence of substr in the string. index = s.find(substr) if index >= 0: return ''.join([ # leave the first occurrence of substr untouched. s[:index + len(substr)], # strip seen substr from the rest of the string. s[index + len(substr):].replace(substr, ''), ]) return s StringIO = io.StringIO _SIO_write = StringIO.write _SIO_init = StringIO.__init__ class WhateverIO(StringIO): """StringIO that takes bytes or str.""" def __init__(self, v=None, *a, **kw): _SIO_init(self, v.decode() if isinstance(v, bytes) else v, *a, **kw) def write(self, data): _SIO_write(self, data.decode() if isinstance(data, bytes) else data)