This document describes the current stable version of Celery (5.2). For development docs, go here.

Source code for celery.backends.dynamodb

"""AWS DynamoDB result store backend."""
from collections import namedtuple
from time import sleep, time

from kombu.utils.url import _parse_url as parse_url

from celery.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from celery.utils.log import get_logger

from .base import KeyValueStoreBackend

    import boto3
    from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    boto3 = ClientError = None

__all__ = ('DynamoDBBackend',)

# Helper class that describes a DynamoDB attribute
DynamoDBAttribute = namedtuple('DynamoDBAttribute', ('name', 'data_type'))

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class DynamoDBBackend(KeyValueStoreBackend): """AWS DynamoDB result backend. Raises: celery.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: if module :pypi:`boto3` is not available. """ #: default DynamoDB table name (`default`) table_name = 'celery' #: Read Provisioned Throughput (`default`) read_capacity_units = 1 #: Write Provisioned Throughput (`default`) write_capacity_units = 1 #: AWS region (`default`) aws_region = None #: The endpoint URL that is passed to boto3 (local DynamoDB) (`default`) endpoint_url = None #: Item time-to-live in seconds (`default`) time_to_live_seconds = None # DynamoDB supports Time to Live as an auto-expiry mechanism. supports_autoexpire = True _key_field = DynamoDBAttribute(name='id', data_type='S') _value_field = DynamoDBAttribute(name='result', data_type='B') _timestamp_field = DynamoDBAttribute(name='timestamp', data_type='N') _ttl_field = DynamoDBAttribute(name='ttl', data_type='N') _available_fields = None def __init__(self, url=None, table_name=None, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.url = url self.table_name = table_name or self.table_name if not boto3: raise ImproperlyConfigured( 'You need to install the boto3 library to use the ' 'DynamoDB backend.') aws_credentials_given = False aws_access_key_id = None aws_secret_access_key = None if url is not None: scheme, region, port, username, password, table, query = \ parse_url(url) aws_access_key_id = username aws_secret_access_key = password access_key_given = aws_access_key_id is not None secret_key_given = aws_secret_access_key is not None if access_key_given != secret_key_given: raise ImproperlyConfigured( 'You need to specify both the Access Key ID ' 'and Secret.') aws_credentials_given = access_key_given if region == 'localhost': # We are using the downloadable, local version of DynamoDB self.endpoint_url = f'http://localhost:{port}' self.aws_region = 'us-east-1' logger.warning( 'Using local-only DynamoDB endpoint URL: {}'.format( self.endpoint_url ) ) else: self.aws_region = region # If endpoint_url is explicitly set use it instead _get = config_endpoint_url = _get('dynamodb_endpoint_url') if config_endpoint_url: self.endpoint_url = config_endpoint_url self.read_capacity_units = int( query.get( 'read', self.read_capacity_units ) ) self.write_capacity_units = int( query.get( 'write', self.write_capacity_units ) ) ttl = query.get('ttl_seconds', self.time_to_live_seconds) if ttl: try: self.time_to_live_seconds = int(ttl) except ValueError as e: logger.error( 'TTL must be a number; got "{ttl}"', exc_info=e ) raise e self.table_name = table or self.table_name self._available_fields = ( self._key_field, self._value_field, self._timestamp_field ) self._client = None if aws_credentials_given: self._get_client( access_key_id=aws_access_key_id, secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key ) def _get_client(self, access_key_id=None, secret_access_key=None): """Get client connection.""" if self._client is None: client_parameters = { 'region_name': self.aws_region } if access_key_id is not None: client_parameters.update({ 'aws_access_key_id': access_key_id, 'aws_secret_access_key': secret_access_key }) if self.endpoint_url is not None: client_parameters['endpoint_url'] = self.endpoint_url self._client = boto3.client( 'dynamodb', **client_parameters ) self._get_or_create_table() if self._has_ttl() is not None: self._validate_ttl_methods() self._set_table_ttl() return self._client def _get_table_schema(self): """Get the boto3 structure describing the DynamoDB table schema.""" return { 'AttributeDefinitions': [ { 'AttributeName':, 'AttributeType': self._key_field.data_type } ], 'TableName': self.table_name, 'KeySchema': [ { 'AttributeName':, 'KeyType': 'HASH' } ], 'ProvisionedThroughput': { 'ReadCapacityUnits': self.read_capacity_units, 'WriteCapacityUnits': self.write_capacity_units } } def _get_or_create_table(self): """Create table if not exists, otherwise return the description.""" table_schema = self._get_table_schema() try: table_description = self._client.create_table(**table_schema) 'DynamoDB Table {} did not exist, creating.'.format( self.table_name ) ) # In case we created the table, wait until it becomes available. self._wait_for_table_status('ACTIVE') 'DynamoDB Table {} is now available.'.format( self.table_name ) ) return table_description except ClientError as e: error_code = e.response['Error'].get('Code', 'Unknown') # If table exists, do not fail, just return the description. if error_code == 'ResourceInUseException': return self._client.describe_table( TableName=self.table_name ) else: raise e def _has_ttl(self): """Return the desired Time to Live config. - True: Enable TTL on the table; use expiry. - False: Disable TTL on the table; don't use expiry. - None: Ignore TTL on the table; don't use expiry. """ return None if self.time_to_live_seconds is None \ else self.time_to_live_seconds >= 0 def _validate_ttl_methods(self): """Verify boto support for the DynamoDB Time to Live methods.""" # Required TTL methods. required_methods = ( 'update_time_to_live', 'describe_time_to_live', ) # Find missing methods. missing_methods = [] for method in list(required_methods): if not hasattr(self._client, method): missing_methods.append(method) if missing_methods: logger.error( ( 'boto3 method(s) {methods} not found; ensure that ' 'boto3>=1.9.178 and botocore>=1.12.178 are installed' ).format( methods=','.join(missing_methods) ) ) raise AttributeError( 'boto3 method(s) {methods} not found'.format( methods=','.join(missing_methods) ) ) def _get_ttl_specification(self, ttl_attr_name): """Get the boto3 structure describing the DynamoDB TTL specification.""" return { 'TableName': self.table_name, 'TimeToLiveSpecification': { 'Enabled': self._has_ttl(), 'AttributeName': ttl_attr_name } } def _get_table_ttl_description(self): # Get the current TTL description. try: description = self._client.describe_time_to_live( TableName=self.table_name ) except ClientError as e: error_code = e.response['Error'].get('Code', 'Unknown') error_message = e.response['Error'].get('Message', 'Unknown') logger.error(( 'Error describing Time to Live on DynamoDB table {table}: ' '{code}: {message}' ).format( table=self.table_name, code=error_code, message=error_message, )) raise e return description def _set_table_ttl(self): """Enable or disable Time to Live on the table.""" # Get the table TTL description, and return early when possible. description = self._get_table_ttl_description() status = description['TimeToLiveDescription']['TimeToLiveStatus'] if status in ('ENABLED', 'ENABLING'): cur_attr_name = \ description['TimeToLiveDescription']['AttributeName'] if self._has_ttl(): if cur_attr_name == # We want TTL enabled, and it is currently enabled or being # enabled, and on the correct attribute. logger.debug(( 'DynamoDB Time to Live is {situation} ' 'on table {table}' ).format( situation='already enabled' if status == 'ENABLED' else 'currently being enabled', table=self.table_name )) return description elif status in ('DISABLED', 'DISABLING'): if not self._has_ttl(): # We want TTL disabled, and it is currently disabled or being # disabled. logger.debug(( 'DynamoDB Time to Live is {situation} ' 'on table {table}' ).format( situation='already disabled' if status == 'DISABLED' else 'currently being disabled', table=self.table_name )) return description # The state shouldn't ever have any value beyond the four handled # above, but to ease troubleshooting of potential future changes, emit # a log showing the unknown state. else: # pragma: no cover logger.warning(( 'Unknown DynamoDB Time to Live status {status} ' 'on table {table}. Attempting to continue.' ).format( status=status, table=self.table_name )) # At this point, we have one of the following situations: # # We want TTL enabled, # # - and it's currently disabled: Try to enable. # # - and it's being disabled: Try to enable, but this is almost sure to # raise ValidationException with message: # # Time to live has been modified multiple times within a fixed # interval # # - and it's currently enabling or being enabled, but on the wrong # attribute: Try to enable, but this will raise ValidationException # with message: # # TimeToLive is active on a different AttributeName: current # AttributeName is ttlx # # We want TTL disabled, # # - and it's currently enabled: Try to disable. # # - and it's being enabled: Try to disable, but this is almost sure to # raise ValidationException with message: # # Time to live has been modified multiple times within a fixed # interval # attr_name = \ cur_attr_name if status == 'ENABLED' else try: specification = self._client.update_time_to_live( **self._get_ttl_specification( ttl_attr_name=attr_name ) ) ( 'DynamoDB table Time to Live updated: ' 'table={table} enabled={enabled} attribute={attr}' ).format( table=self.table_name, enabled=self._has_ttl(), ) ) return specification except ClientError as e: error_code = e.response['Error'].get('Code', 'Unknown') error_message = e.response['Error'].get('Message', 'Unknown') logger.error(( 'Error {action} Time to Live on DynamoDB table {table}: ' '{code}: {message}' ).format( action='enabling' if self._has_ttl() else 'disabling', table=self.table_name, code=error_code, message=error_message, )) raise e def _wait_for_table_status(self, expected='ACTIVE'): """Poll for the expected table status.""" achieved_state = False while not achieved_state: table_description = self.client.describe_table( TableName=self.table_name ) logger.debug( 'Waiting for DynamoDB table {} to become {}.'.format( self.table_name, expected ) ) current_status = table_description['Table']['TableStatus'] achieved_state = current_status == expected sleep(1) def _prepare_get_request(self, key): """Construct the item retrieval request parameters.""" return { 'TableName': self.table_name, 'Key': { { self._key_field.data_type: key } } } def _prepare_put_request(self, key, value): """Construct the item creation request parameters.""" timestamp = time() put_request = { 'TableName': self.table_name, 'Item': { { self._key_field.data_type: key }, { self._value_field.data_type: value }, { self._timestamp_field.data_type: str(timestamp) } } } if self._has_ttl(): put_request['Item'].update({ { self._ttl_field.data_type: str(int(timestamp + self.time_to_live_seconds)) } }) return put_request def _item_to_dict(self, raw_response): """Convert get_item() response to field-value pairs.""" if 'Item' not in raw_response: return {} return { raw_response['Item'][][field.data_type] for field in self._available_fields } @property def client(self): return self._get_client()
[docs] def get(self, key): key = str(key) request_parameters = self._prepare_get_request(key) item_response = self.client.get_item(**request_parameters) item = self._item_to_dict(item_response) return item.get(
[docs] def set(self, key, value): key = str(key) request_parameters = self._prepare_put_request(key, value) self.client.put_item(**request_parameters)
[docs] def mget(self, keys): return [self.get(key) for key in keys]
[docs] def delete(self, key): key = str(key) request_parameters = self._prepare_get_request(key) self.client.delete_item(**request_parameters)