This document describes the current stable version of Celery (5.2). For development docs, go here.

Source code for celery.worker.control

"""Worker remote control command implementations."""
import io
import tempfile
from collections import UserDict, namedtuple

from billiard.common import TERM_SIGNAME
from kombu.utils.encoding import safe_repr

from celery.exceptions import WorkerShutdown
from celery.platforms import signals as _signals
from celery.utils.functional import maybe_list
from celery.utils.log import get_logger
from celery.utils.serialization import jsonify, strtobool
from celery.utils.time import rate

from . import state as worker_state
from .request import Request

__all__ = ('Panel',)

DEFAULT_TASK_INFO_ITEMS = ('exchange', 'routing_key', 'rate_limit')
logger = get_logger(__name__)

controller_info_t = namedtuple('controller_info_t', [
    'alias', 'type', 'visible', 'default_timeout',
    'help', 'signature', 'args', 'variadic',

def ok(value):
    return {'ok': value}

def nok(value):
    return {'error': value}

[docs]class Panel(UserDict): """Global registry of remote control commands.""" data = {} # global dict. meta = {} # -"-
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls, *args, **kwargs): if args: return cls._register(**kwargs)(*args) return cls._register(**kwargs)
@classmethod def _register(cls, name=None, alias=None, type='control', visible=True, default_timeout=1.0, help=None, signature=None, args=None, variadic=None): def _inner(fun): control_name = name or fun.__name__ _help = help or (fun.__doc__ or '').strip().split('\n')[0][control_name] = fun cls.meta[control_name] = controller_info_t( alias, type, visible, default_timeout, _help, signature, args, variadic) if alias:[alias] = fun return fun return _inner
def control_command(**kwargs): return Panel.register(type='control', **kwargs) def inspect_command(**kwargs): return Panel.register(type='inspect', **kwargs) # -- App @inspect_command() def report(state): """Information about Celery installation for bug reports.""" return ok( @inspect_command( alias='dump_conf', # XXX < backwards compatible signature='[include_defaults=False]', args=[('with_defaults', strtobool)], ) def conf(state, with_defaults=False, **kwargs): """List configuration.""" return jsonify(, keyfilter=_wanted_config_key, unknown_type_filter=safe_repr) def _wanted_config_key(key): return isinstance(key, str) and not key.startswith('__') # -- Task @inspect_command( variadic='ids', signature='[id1 [id2 [... [idN]]]]', ) def query_task(state, ids, **kwargs): """Query for task information by id.""" return { (_state_of_task(req), for req in _find_requests_by_id(maybe_list(ids)) } def _find_requests_by_id(ids, get_request=worker_state.requests.__getitem__): for task_id in ids: try: yield get_request(task_id) except KeyError: pass def _state_of_task(request, is_active=worker_state.active_requests.__contains__, is_reserved=worker_state.reserved_requests.__contains__): if is_active(request): return 'active' elif is_reserved(request): return 'reserved' return 'ready' @control_command( variadic='task_id', signature='[id1 [id2 [... [idN]]]]', ) def revoke(state, task_id, terminate=False, signal=None, **kwargs): """Revoke task by task id (or list of ids). Keyword Arguments: terminate (bool): Also terminate the process if the task is active. signal (str): Name of signal to use for terminate (e.g., ``KILL``). """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name # XXX Note that this redefines `terminate`: # Outside of this scope that is a function. # supports list argument since 3.1 task_ids, task_id = set(maybe_list(task_id) or []), None size = len(task_ids) terminated = set() worker_state.revoked.update(task_ids) if terminate: signum = _signals.signum(signal or TERM_SIGNAME) for request in _find_requests_by_id(task_ids): if not in terminated: terminated.add('Terminating %s (%s)',, signum) request.terminate(state.consumer.pool, signal=signum) if len(terminated) >= size: break if not terminated: return ok('terminate: tasks unknown') return ok('terminate: {}'.format(', '.join(terminated))) idstr = ', '.join(task_ids)'Tasks flagged as revoked: %s', idstr) return ok(f'tasks {idstr} flagged as revoked') @control_command( variadic='task_id', args=[('signal', str)], signature='<signal> [id1 [id2 [... [idN]]]]' ) def terminate(state, signal, task_id, **kwargs): """Terminate task by task id (or list of ids).""" return revoke(state, task_id, terminate=True, signal=signal) @control_command( args=[('task_name', str), ('rate_limit', str)], signature='<task_name> <rate_limit (e.g., 5/s | 5/m | 5/h)>', ) def rate_limit(state, task_name, rate_limit, **kwargs): """Tell worker(s) to modify the rate limit for a task by type. See Also: :attr:``. Arguments: task_name (str): Type of task to set rate limit for. rate_limit (int, str): New rate limit. """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name # XXX Note that this redefines `terminate`: # Outside of this scope that is a function. try: rate(rate_limit) except ValueError as exc: return nok(f'Invalid rate limit string: {exc!r}') try:[task_name].rate_limit = rate_limit except KeyError: logger.error('Rate limit attempt for unknown task %s', task_name, exc_info=True) return nok('unknown task') state.consumer.reset_rate_limits() if not rate_limit:'Rate limits disabled for tasks of type %s', task_name) return ok('rate limit disabled successfully')'New rate limit for tasks of type %s: %s.', task_name, rate_limit) return ok('new rate limit set successfully') @control_command( args=[('task_name', str), ('soft', float), ('hard', float)], signature='<task_name> <soft_secs> [hard_secs]', ) def time_limit(state, task_name=None, hard=None, soft=None, **kwargs): """Tell worker(s) to modify the time limit for task by type. Arguments: task_name (str): Name of task to change. hard (float): Hard time limit. soft (float): Soft time limit. """ try: task =[task_name] except KeyError: logger.error('Change time limit attempt for unknown task %s', task_name, exc_info=True) return nok('unknown task') task.soft_time_limit = soft task.time_limit = hard'New time limits for tasks of type %s: soft=%s hard=%s', task_name, soft, hard) return ok('time limits set successfully') # -- Events @inspect_command() def clock(state, **kwargs): """Get current logical clock value.""" return {'clock':} @control_command() def election(state, id, topic, action=None, **kwargs): """Hold election. Arguments: id (str): Unique election id. topic (str): Election topic. action (str): Action to take for elected actor. """ if state.consumer.gossip: state.consumer.gossip.election(id, topic, action) @control_command() def enable_events(state): """Tell worker(s) to send task-related events.""" dispatcher = state.consumer.event_dispatcher if dispatcher.groups and 'task' not in dispatcher.groups: dispatcher.groups.add('task')'Events of group {task} enabled by remote.') return ok('task events enabled') return ok('task events already enabled') @control_command() def disable_events(state): """Tell worker(s) to stop sending task-related events.""" dispatcher = state.consumer.event_dispatcher if 'task' in dispatcher.groups: dispatcher.groups.discard('task')'Events of group {task} disabled by remote.') return ok('task events disabled') return ok('task events already disabled') @control_command() def heartbeat(state): """Tell worker(s) to send event heartbeat immediately.""" logger.debug('Heartbeat requested by remote.') dispatcher = state.consumer.event_dispatcher dispatcher.send('worker-heartbeat', freq=5, **worker_state.SOFTWARE_INFO) # -- Worker @inspect_command(visible=False) def hello(state, from_node, revoked=None, **kwargs): """Request mingle sync-data.""" # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name # XXX Note that this redefines `revoked`: # Outside of this scope that is a function. if from_node != state.hostname:'sync with %s', from_node) if revoked: worker_state.revoked.update(revoked) # Do not send expired items to the other worker. worker_state.revoked.purge() return { 'revoked': worker_state.revoked._data, 'clock':, } @inspect_command(default_timeout=0.2) def ping(state, **kwargs): """Ping worker(s).""" return ok('pong') @inspect_command() def stats(state, **kwargs): """Request worker statistics/information.""" return state.consumer.controller.stats() @inspect_command(alias='dump_schedule') def scheduled(state, **kwargs): """List of currently scheduled ETA/countdown tasks.""" return list(_iter_schedule_requests(state.consumer.timer)) def _iter_schedule_requests(timer): for waiting in timer.schedule.queue: try: arg0 = waiting.entry.args[0] except (IndexError, TypeError): continue else: if isinstance(arg0, Request): yield { 'eta': arg0.eta.isoformat() if arg0.eta else None, 'priority': waiting.priority, 'request':, } @inspect_command(alias='dump_reserved') def reserved(state, **kwargs): """List of currently reserved tasks, not including scheduled/active.""" reserved_tasks = ( state.tset(worker_state.reserved_requests) - state.tset(worker_state.active_requests) ) if not reserved_tasks: return [] return [ for request in reserved_tasks] @inspect_command(alias='dump_active') def active(state, safe=False, **kwargs): """List of tasks currently being executed.""" return [ for request in state.tset(worker_state.active_requests)] @inspect_command(alias='dump_revoked') def revoked(state, **kwargs): """List of revoked task-ids.""" return list(worker_state.revoked) @inspect_command( alias='dump_tasks', variadic='taskinfoitems', signature='[attr1 [attr2 [... [attrN]]]]', ) def registered(state, taskinfoitems=None, builtins=False, **kwargs): """List of registered tasks. Arguments: taskinfoitems (Sequence[str]): List of task attributes to include. Defaults to ``exchange,routing_key,rate_limit``. builtins (bool): Also include built-in tasks. """ reg = taskinfoitems = taskinfoitems or DEFAULT_TASK_INFO_ITEMS tasks = reg if builtins else ( task for task in reg if not task.startswith('celery.')) def _extract_info(task): fields = { field: str(getattr(task, field, None)) for field in taskinfoitems if getattr(task, field, None) is not None } if fields: info = ['='.join(f) for f in fields.items()] return '{} [{}]'.format(, ' '.join(info)) return return [_extract_info(reg[task]) for task in sorted(tasks)] # -- Debugging @inspect_command( default_timeout=60.0, args=[('type', str), ('num', int), ('max_depth', int)], signature='[object_type=Request] [num=200 [max_depth=10]]', ) def objgraph(state, num=200, max_depth=10, type='Request'): # pragma: no cover """Create graph of uncollected objects (memory-leak debugging). Arguments: num (int): Max number of objects to graph. max_depth (int): Traverse at most n levels deep. type (str): Name of object to graph. Default is ``"Request"``. """ try: import objgraph as _objgraph except ImportError: raise ImportError('Requires the objgraph library')'Dumping graph for type %r', type) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='cobjg', suffix='.png', delete=False) as fh: objects = _objgraph.by_type(type)[:num] _objgraph.show_backrefs( objects, max_depth=max_depth, highlight=lambda v: v in objects,, ) return {'filename':} @inspect_command() def memsample(state, **kwargs): """Sample current RSS memory usage.""" from celery.utils.debug import sample_mem return sample_mem() @inspect_command( args=[('samples', int)], signature='[n_samples=10]', ) def memdump(state, samples=10, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """Dump statistics of previous memsample requests.""" from celery.utils import debug out = io.StringIO() debug.memdump(file=out) return out.getvalue() # -- Pool @control_command( args=[('n', int)], signature='[N=1]', ) def pool_grow(state, n=1, **kwargs): """Grow pool by n processes/threads.""" if state.consumer.controller.autoscaler: return nok("pool_grow is not supported with autoscale. Adjust autoscale range instead.") else: state.consumer.pool.grow(n) state.consumer._update_prefetch_count(n) return ok('pool will grow') @control_command( args=[('n', int)], signature='[N=1]', ) def pool_shrink(state, n=1, **kwargs): """Shrink pool by n processes/threads.""" if state.consumer.controller.autoscaler: return nok("pool_shrink is not supported with autoscale. Adjust autoscale range instead.") else: state.consumer.pool.shrink(n) state.consumer._update_prefetch_count(-n) return ok('pool will shrink') @control_command() def pool_restart(state, modules=None, reload=False, reloader=None, **kwargs): """Restart execution pool.""" if state.consumer.controller.reload(modules, reload, reloader=reloader) return ok('reload started') else: raise ValueError('Pool restarts not enabled') @control_command( args=[('max', int), ('min', int)], signature='[max [min]]', ) def autoscale(state, max=None, min=None): """Modify autoscale settings.""" autoscaler = state.consumer.controller.autoscaler if autoscaler: max_, min_ = autoscaler.update(max, min) return ok(f'autoscale now max={max_} min={min_}') raise ValueError('Autoscale not enabled') @control_command() def shutdown(state, msg='Got shutdown from remote', **kwargs): """Shutdown worker(s).""" logger.warning(msg) raise WorkerShutdown(msg) # -- Queues @control_command( args=[ ('queue', str), ('exchange', str), ('exchange_type', str), ('routing_key', str), ], signature='<queue> [exchange [type [routing_key]]]', ) def add_consumer(state, queue, exchange=None, exchange_type=None, routing_key=None, **options): """Tell worker(s) to consume from task queue by name.""" state.consumer.call_soon( state.consumer.add_task_queue, queue, exchange, exchange_type or 'direct', routing_key, **options) return ok(f'add consumer {queue}') @control_command( args=[('queue', str)], signature='<queue>', ) def cancel_consumer(state, queue, **_): """Tell worker(s) to stop consuming from task queue by name.""" state.consumer.call_soon( state.consumer.cancel_task_queue, queue, ) return ok(f'no longer consuming from {queue}') @inspect_command() def active_queues(state): """List the task queues a worker is currently consuming from.""" if state.consumer.task_consumer: return [dict(queue.as_dict(recurse=True)) for queue in state.consumer.task_consumer.queues] return []