This document is for py-amqp's development version, which can be significantly different from previous releases. Get the stable docs here: 5.3.
Source code for amqp.basic_message
"""AMQP Messages."""
# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Barry Pederson <>
from .serialization import GenericContent
# Intended to fix #85: ImportError: cannot import name spec
# Encountered on python 2.7.3
# "The submodules often need to refer to each other. For example, the
# surround [sic] module might use the echo module. In fact, such
# references are so common that the import statement first looks in
# the containing package before looking in the standard module search
# path."
# Source:
from .spec import Basic
__all__ = ('Message',)
class Message(GenericContent):
"""A Message for use with the Channel.basic_* methods.
Expected arg types
body: string
children: (not supported)
Keyword properties may include:
content_type: shortstr
MIME content type
content_encoding: shortstr
MIME content encoding
application_headers: table
Message header field table, a dict with string keys,
and string | int | Decimal | datetime | dict values.
delivery_mode: octet
Non-persistent (1) or persistent (2)
priority: octet
The message priority, 0 to 9
correlation_id: shortstr
The application correlation identifier
reply_to: shortstr
The destination to reply to
expiration: shortstr
Message expiration specification
message_id: shortstr
The application message identifier
timestamp: unsigned long
The message timestamp
type: shortstr
The message type name
user_id: shortstr
The creating user id
app_id: shortstr
The creating application id
cluster_id: shortstr
Intra-cluster routing identifier
Unicode bodies are encoded according to the 'content_encoding'
argument. If that's None, it's set to 'UTF-8' automatically.
msg = Message('hello world',
application_headers={'foo': 7})
#: Instances of this class have these attributes, which
#: are passed back and forth as message properties between
#: client and server
('content_type', 's'),
('content_encoding', 's'),
('application_headers', 'F'),
('delivery_mode', 'o'),
('priority', 'o'),
('correlation_id', 's'),
('reply_to', 's'),
('expiration', 's'),
('message_id', 's'),
('timestamp', 'L'),
('type', 's'),
('user_id', 's'),
('app_id', 's'),
('cluster_id', 's')
def __init__(self, body='', children=None, channel=None, **properties):
#: set by basic_consume/basic_get
self.delivery_info = None
self.body = body = channel
__slots__ = (
def headers(self):
def delivery_tag(self):
return self.delivery_info.get('delivery_tag')