This document is for py-amqp's development version, which can be significantly different from previous releases. Get the stable docs here: 5.3.

Source code for amqp.spec

"""AMQP Spec."""

from collections import namedtuple

method_t = namedtuple('method_t', ('method_sig', 'args', 'content'))

[docs] def method(method_sig, args=None, content=False): """Create amqp method specification tuple.""" return method_t(method_sig, args, content)
[docs] class Connection: """AMQ Connection class.""" CLASS_ID = 10 Start = (10, 10) StartOk = (10, 11) Secure = (10, 20) SecureOk = (10, 21) Tune = (10, 30) TuneOk = (10, 31) Open = (10, 40) OpenOk = (10, 41) Close = (10, 50) CloseOk = (10, 51) Blocked = (10, 60) Unblocked = (10, 61)
[docs] class Channel: """AMQ Channel class.""" CLASS_ID = 20 Open = (20, 10) OpenOk = (20, 11) Flow = (20, 20) FlowOk = (20, 21) Close = (20, 40) CloseOk = (20, 41)
[docs] class Exchange: """AMQ Exchange class.""" CLASS_ID = 40 Declare = (40, 10) DeclareOk = (40, 11) Delete = (40, 20) DeleteOk = (40, 21) Bind = (40, 30) BindOk = (40, 31) Unbind = (40, 40) UnbindOk = (40, 51)
[docs] class Queue: """AMQ Queue class.""" CLASS_ID = 50 Declare = (50, 10) DeclareOk = (50, 11) Bind = (50, 20) BindOk = (50, 21) Purge = (50, 30) PurgeOk = (50, 31) Delete = (50, 40) DeleteOk = (50, 41) Unbind = (50, 50) UnbindOk = (50, 51)
[docs] class Basic: """AMQ Basic class.""" CLASS_ID = 60 Qos = (60, 10) QosOk = (60, 11) Consume = (60, 20) ConsumeOk = (60, 21) Cancel = (60, 30) CancelOk = (60, 31) Publish = (60, 40) Return = (60, 50) Deliver = (60, 60) Get = (60, 70) GetOk = (60, 71) GetEmpty = (60, 72) Ack = (60, 80) Nack = (60, 120) Reject = (60, 90) RecoverAsync = (60, 100) Recover = (60, 110) RecoverOk = (60, 111)
[docs] class Confirm: """AMQ Confirm class.""" CLASS_ID = 85 Select = (85, 10) SelectOk = (85, 11)
[docs] class Tx: """AMQ Tx class.""" CLASS_ID = 90 Select = (90, 10) SelectOk = (90, 11) Commit = (90, 20) CommitOk = (90, 21) Rollback = (90, 30) RollbackOk = (90, 31)