This document describes the current stable version of Celery (5.5). For development docs, go here.
Source code for
"""Task Annotations.
Annotations is a nice term for monkey-patching task classes
in the configuration.
This prepares and performs the annotations in the
:setting:`task_annotations` setting.
from celery.utils.functional import firstmethod, mlazy
from celery.utils.imports import instantiate
_first_match = firstmethod('annotate')
_first_match_any = firstmethod('annotate_any')
__all__ = ('MapAnnotation', 'prepare', 'resolve_all')
def prepare(annotations):
"""Expand the :setting:`task_annotations` setting."""
def expand_annotation(annotation):
if isinstance(annotation, dict):
return MapAnnotation(annotation)
elif isinstance(annotation, str):
return mlazy(instantiate, annotation)
return annotation
if annotations is None:
return ()
elif not isinstance(annotations, (list, tuple)):
annotations = (annotations,)
return [expand_annotation(anno) for anno in annotations]
def resolve_all(anno, task):
"""Resolve all pending annotations."""
return (x for x in (_first_match(anno, task), _first_match_any(anno)) if x)