This document is for Kombu's development version, which can be significantly different from previous releases. Get the stable docs here: 5.3.
Connection/Producer Pools - kombu.pools
Public resource pools.
- class kombu.pools.PoolGroup(limit=None, close_after_fork=True)[source]¶
Collection of resource pools.
- class kombu.pools.ProducerPool(connections, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Pool of
instances.- class Producer(channel, exchange=None, routing_key=None, serializer=None, auto_declare=None, compression=None, on_return=None)¶
Message Producer.
channel (kombu.Connection, ChannelT): Connection or channel. exchange (kombu.entity.Exchange, str): Optional default exchange. routing_key (str): Optional default routing key. serializer (str): Default serializer. Default is “json”. compression (str): Default compression method.
Default is no compression.
- auto_declare (bool): Automatically declare the default exchange
at instantiation. Default is
.- on_return (Callable): Callback to call for undeliverable messages,
when the mandatory or immediate arguments to
is used. This callback needs the following signature: (exception, exchange, routing_key, message). Note that the producer needs to drain events to use this feature.
- auto_declare = True¶
By default, if a default exchange is set, that exchange will be declare when publishing a message.
- property channel¶
- close()¶
- compression = None¶
Default compression method. Disabled by default.
- property connection¶
- declare()¶
Declare the exchange.
This happens automatically at instantiation when the
flag is enabled.
- exchange = None¶
Default exchange
- maybe_declare(entity, retry=False, **retry_policy)¶
Declare exchange if not already declared during this session.
- on_return = None¶
Basic return callback.
- publish(body, routing_key=None, delivery_mode=None, mandatory=False, immediate=False, priority=0, content_type=None, content_encoding=None, serializer=None, headers=None, compression=None, exchange=None, retry=False, retry_policy=None, declare=None, expiration=None, timeout=None, confirm_timeout=None, **properties)¶
Publish message to the specified exchange.
body (Any): Message body. routing_key (str): Message routing key. delivery_mode (enum): See
. mandatory (bool): Currently not supported. immediate (bool): Currently not supported. priority (int): Message priority. A number between 0 and 9. content_type (str): Content type. Default is auto-detect. content_encoding (str): Content encoding. Default is auto-detect. serializer (str): Serializer to use. Default is auto-detect. compression (str): Compression method to use. Default is none. headers (Dict): Mapping of arbitrary headers to pass alongwith the message body.
- exchange (kombu.entity.Exchange, str): Override the exchange.
Note that this exchange must have been declared.
- declare (Sequence[EntityT]): Optional list of required entities
that must have been declared before publishing the message. The entities will be declared using
.- retry (bool): Retry publishing, or declaring entities if the
connection is lost.
- retry_policy (Dict): Retry configuration, this is the keywords
supported by
.- expiration (float): A TTL in seconds can be specified per message.
Default is no expiration.
- timeout (float): Set timeout to wait maximum timeout second
for message to publish.
- confirm_timeout (float): Set confirm timeout to wait maximum timeout second
for message to confirm publishing if the channel is set to confirm publish mode.
**properties (Any): Additional message properties, see AMQP spec.
- release()¶
- revive(channel)¶
Revive the producer after connection loss.
- routing_key = ''¶
Default routing key.
- serializer = None¶
Default serializer to use. Default is JSON.
- close_after_fork = True¶